The Bolder Life: A Bigger, Bolder New Year


Tyra Sutak

Published on: January 3rd, 2012

Here we are. We made it! We all survived another year—and with the crazy shenanigans of New Year’s Eve behind us, it’s time to start thinking about the next 364 days. I’m not much of a resolution maker but I do have some tips on how to make this year bigger, bolder and better than the last!

May the New Year be filled with happiness, success, good food, fun shoes and a ton of snow days.

Take it Outside
Workouts, busy-work, coffee dates, play dates, date dates—you name it. It’s a well-known fact that sunshine makes you happy. And who are we kidding—we live in a ridiculously beautiful state that is home to so many hiking, biking and walking trails that it’d be silly not to take advantage of the beautiful scenery on our own backyards. Get outside, soak up some Vitamin D, and bask in the beautiful Colorado sunshine.

Love the Local
Boulder County is stacked with locally owned businesses looking for your support. Next time you go shopping, take a second, think about the community that you love so, and choose to put your hard-earned dollars back into the local economy. It’s pretty much a win-win for everyone—and, we are fortunate to have some pretty cool locally owned stores in Boulder County. From local produce, to clothing, to pet shops—Boulder County has plenty of stores to take care of it all. And next time you need a caffeine boost, check out your nearest locally-owned coffee shop to get some delicious coffee or a steaming cup of Bhakti Chai. If you need a little help tracking down some locally owned stores that meet your needs, check out this awesome guideby Downtown Boulder. You can even search for the store that meets your specific needs! Love the local.

Eat Like a Foodie
Local restaurants are constantly winning awards and putting Boulder County and Denver on the foodie map. Sometimes, being a foodie is expensive. To dine on some of the best locally-grown food made by some of the most respected Chef’s in the area—isn’t exactly cheap. Keep an eye out for happy hour discounts, nightly specials and lunch menus to help stretch your budget. And be sure to follow all of your favorite eateries on Facebook and Twitter to get the latest scoop on any special offerings. Your tummy and your wallet will be glad you did.

Get Serious About Your Hobbies
So maybe you love to cycle. Or maybe you’re a runner, and can’t live without that morning or evening run each day. Maybe you’re a budding artist dabbling in a new medium. Get serious about it! If you cycle and run, consider entering a race. Sign up for a local bike race or 10K and start training. Not only will it give you a goal to chase, but I’m sure you’ll find some like-minded friends and training partners along the way. If you’re an artist, get serious about your work and make a trip to your local coffee shop. Chances are, the owner will not only display your work, but you’ll make a few extra bucks off of any art that you sell. What do you have to lose? Accomplishing goals feels great and spending time doing the things that you love feels even better.

Get Rid of Dead Weight
I’ve been holding on to some serious dead weight for over a year. I had no idea how heavy it was until I finally got rid of it! In a society where extra weight is scorned, why not get rid of the kind of weight that can easily be dropped. Forget about that ex-significant other that’s been weighing you down. Worried about those last five pounds? Let ‘em go. The stress alone will add another five pounds and we all know that number doubles the second you step in front of a camera! Let go of any hard feelings and grudges that are dragging you down and start 2012 on a much lighter note.