Boulder’s Annette Coleman among May art walk attractions


By Tyra Sutak For the Camera

Posted:   04/27/2012 11:00:00 AM MDT




Multimedia artist Annette Coleman works on a collage piece in her Boulder home. ( PAUL AIKEN )

Art walks in MayFriday, May 4


First Friday

Pearl Street, Downtown Boulder

6-8 p.m.

NoBo Nite Out

Broadway from Lee Hill Road to Pine Street

6-9 p.m.

First Friday Art Walk

Downtown Louisville

5-8 p.m.

1st Friday Art Walks

Old Town Niwot

5-8 p.m.

Friday, May 11

Second Fridays

Downtown Longmont

6-9 p.m.

Friday, May 18

Art Night Out

Downtown Lafayette

4-9 p.m.

Boulder painter Annette Coleman tries to capture the subconscious on canvas using unique techniques. Born and raised in Colorado, Coleman now works out of her North Boulder studio, creating “layered” works of art filled with retro images, delicate patterns and pastel colors that represent “the images that occupy the dreamstate, the fragments that we remember and the symbols that evoke the message of a dream.” Using an interesting combination of science and creativity, Coleman has honed a technique involving the use of heat-sensitive film on a heated canvas to create a coloring effect that adds a certain movement to her collages.

“I dream in heightened color, drenched and saturated, and I’m at a loss as to how to recreate it for the viewer. I try to show the changing brush of my mind with my heat sensitive canvases,” she says.

Coleman has recently begun experimenting using a liquid crystal-based film that responds to heat by changing color which produces a multi-hued visual effect making “the invisible visible” — a statement that inspires much of her artwork.

When Coleman isn’t busy producing her own material, she stays busy promoting other local artists and art events in Boulder using her Twitter account along with the weekly radio show she hosts on which guest artists are invited to help answer questions and cover discussions going on in the local art community. Coleman is an avid participant of the budding art scene in North Boulder as a frequent instructor for the “PaintAbout” mini-workshops held during NoBo Nite Out on the first Friday of every month. From 6-9 p.m. on May 4, Coleman will be teaching hands-on collage workshop at her studio located at 1245 Norwood Avenue, #42 in North Boulder.

“I encourage each student to express their creative talent in a safe, non-judgmental environment. I ask students to bring images that they have collected, including old family photographs and magazine clippings,” Coleman says. All other materials needed — including additional magazine clippings, paint, glue and a base board — will be provided by Coleman.

A $25 workshop fee is due at the time of the class. Reservations are requested in advance and can be made by contacting Annette Coleman directly at 303.941.8887.

PaintAbout workshops are taught by a variety of North Boulder artists on the first Friday of every month. A complete listing of upcoming workshops can be found at

Contact Tyra Sutak at