Published on: April 18th, 2012
As a freshman at the University of Colorado Boulder, I spent a good amount of time on the Hill. I got cheap tickets to relatively unknown bands at the Fox Theater. I devoured Illegal Pete’s burritos and sandwiches from that strange-smelling deli in the early morning hours. I bought Christmas and birthday gifts for the family at the CU Bookstore and I attended poetry readings at Burnt Toast for extra credit in almost every creative writing class that I ever took.
At eighteen years old, the University Hill was the place to be.
But, unfortunately, I’m not eighteen anymore—and for the past few years the Hill has represented a noisy place that is nearly impossible to maneuver in a car, filled with cheap food and plenty of PBR.
But the times, they are a-changing—and for every dive bar and pizza place found on the Hill, there’s a grown-up dining establishment to match.
Check out these three tasty reasons for the adult you to give the Hill another chance.
Café Aion | 1235 Pennsylvania Ave.
Olive Oil Poached Albacore Tuna, Crispy Duck Confit, Limoncello Spritzers and cloth hand towels in the restroom are all things that you wouldn’t expect to find in a restaurant located in the heart of a buzzing college town neighborhood. Café Aion has become a gathering place where the young and old foodies collide on the corner of one of the most beloved street corners in Boulder.
The No Name Bar | 1325 Broadway Ave.
“Seriously, this bar has no name”, said the straight-faced bouncer standing guard inside of the unlabeled door with the sketchy looking peep hole and the heavy door-knocker made of iron. This nameless bar is dressed in an elegant-looking wood paneling and filled with alcoholic beverages that would make any grown-up drool. Infused tequilas, classy cocktails and popular local craft beers stock the shelves of this small venue which offers live music almost every night of the weekend, and menu items by neighbor, Cosmos Pizza every night.
Innisfree Poetry Bookstore and Café | 1203 13th St.
It feels like every time I walk by this quaint coffee shop it’s expanded. Although this bookstore/café is always filled with studious students, adults have been infiltrating the place lately—attending poetry readings, book clubs and sipping espresso out of tiny cups. Support Boulder’s poetry scene, and your local coffee shop at this popular Hill location.